

Brand, Illustration

Branding + Illustration

The brief

The brief

Fathom are a full-service creative agency with a strong branding background. Their previous identity had served them well for many years, but it was time for an update to reflect a more modern direction.

My work

My work

I created a lively graphic style to reflect Fathom's informal nature, and to contrast with the fashionable full-screen photography of other agencies. An illustrative submarine logo with custom-cut type was complimented by a cast of underwater characters, all playing upon the company name. As well as a completely new website, I designed all print and signage items, and directed a new copy tone-of-voice. The result, a playful and cohesive brand identity. Marketing communications were enhanced by using the illustrated fish as 'brand ambassadors' who offered their own witty and topical observations.

The result

The result

The new identity was launched to great response, from clients as well as other agencies, and proved to be a great platform from which to build customer engagement and promotional campaigns.
